Fylde Mark No 296 Installation
Thursday 22nd November 2018
Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 296 held their Installation at the Masonic Hall Adelaide Street Blackpool, and it was the highlight of Fylde Marks very successful year.  W. Bro. Graham Taylor Bailey PGJD was representing the Provincial Grand Master and arrived early only to find that R.W.Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore and his Assistant W. Bro. Giles Berkley already there, as it is the PGMs Lodge and Giles was his guest.
W.M. & IPM
W.M. And Graham Bailey
W.M. and the Masters of Semper Fidelis and Cleveleys Mark Lodges
After a coffee, in the very pleasant Lounge area, and a chance to meet many of the 60+ Mark Masons present, the Lodge was opened, which gave the 14 Grand Officers present, time to take part in the now obligatory photo shoot, then lining up and entering the downstairs Lodge room, they were greeted and welcomed by the Worshipful Master, Bro. Brain Ogden.
Salutations were given by the very capable Lodge Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. Wally Atcheson PProvGSwdB. And the Installation of the new Worshipful Master Bro. Peter Lonican was under way, with three of the Local Mark Masters taking the Installing Officers roles.
ASST,  PGM, W.M., and REP.
W.M., PGM, ASST, and REP. & Lodge Wardens Patrick Dwyer & Robert Arrand
DC is ready but is anyone else?
W. Bro. Brian Ogden then delivered a faultless Installation ceremony, addresses were given: Working tools by Bro. Neil Callen (who only became a Mark Mason in May!), Keystone Jewel W. Bro. D. John Forster PGJD., to the Master, R. W. Bro. K. A. Beardmore, Wardens, W. Bro. Bob McGown PGSD. Overseers, W. Bro. John Forster (standing in for W. Bro. Ernie Gavan), and to the Brethren W. Bro. Graham Bailey who followed it up by bringing the best Wishes and Greetings from the Provincial Grand Master, (who was sat next to him!).  W. Bro. Bailey thanked the W. M. and Brethren for the charity cheques, totalling some £1500-00 for Mark Masonic and non-masonic charities. Graham also noted that it was a delight to see 17 brothers from Fylde Mark Lodge lining up and saluting the new Worshipful Master, the Lodges future is assured. 
In the Lodge business 2 new candidates were balloted for and W. Bro. Giles Berkley Assistant to the P.G.M. responded on behalf of the multitude of Grand Officers present.
A "Grand Night Out"
W. Bros. Bob McGown & Mel Cross relaxing 
Is Giles a religious drinker? with the Prov. Chaplain V W Bro Stephen Leech 
The festive board carried on in the same fine form as the ceremonial in the Lodge room, with first class food, wonderful banter and great company, we all thought the well scripted and eloquent speeches to the Master and to the visitors could not have been bettered, until we heard the responses.
W. Bro Tony Cross on the other side of the camera.
Flowers were presented to the Representative who still had an hour plus drive home but I know he will have had a smile on his face as he thought back on a great night of Mark Masonry and a job well done.  
Words John Forster Sp. Rep. Pictures by Tony Cross PAGDC.